Fandom: The Fantastic Four (2015)
Pairing: Victor/Female OC
Rating: NC-17
Timeframe: Just before Victor arrives at the Baxter Building
Disclaimer: Victor ain’t mine, but Nedra is.
Summary: When Johnny injures himself in a car accident, Dr.
Storm sends his top scientist and former Marine Nedra Nix to recruit Victor von
Doom in his place. Debauchery ensues.
Dedicated to: All the
Dilettantes who’ve been patiently waiting for a new smutfic or sleazy shortie
from pinkelegance. It’s been four
years. Hope you like it.
A/N: This sexy story was
inspired by the hotness that is Mr. Toby Kebbells. Fan4stic didn’t do him justice. Lord knows I certainly want to, and then some.
Franklin told her he was going to be tedious, which Nedra
interpreted as dickish. She was more
familiar with Victor than he was with her.
She remembered when he was at the Baxter building working on the matter
transporter; a project he’d devoted ten years of his life to. He was unstable, but Nedra knew that
was the other side of the genius coin.
She knew he wouldn’t remember her. Nedra had a way of blending into the
background at Baxter; women like her were never revered for their skill sets,
but women like her were the reason everyone else was able to do the things that
they did. Franklin Storm trusted her
completely. He had tried many times to
bring Victor back into the fold, in spite of his criminal act, but Victor
showed no interest except to ask if Sue would be there. Nedra knew this; knew Sue was Victor’s weak
spot (not weak enough if he hadn’t bothered to leave the comfort of his
shithole apartment to see her again) but she also knew something that Victor
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Dr. Nedra Nix |
She adjusted her black USMC cap and looked up into the
security cameras while ringing the bell.
“Dr. von Doom, it’s Nedra Nix from the Baxter Building. I’m here on orders from Dr. Franklin
Storm. May I please speak with you?”
Franklin told her that Victor never bothered to let him in,
so she expected the same treatment…especially since he didn’t really know
her. But to her surprise, she got a
“Who are you?”
“My name is Dr. Nedra Nix.
I’m a physical chemist and I work for Dr. Storm. He sent me here to convince you to return to
Baxter because there’s been a new development in your project.”
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Dr. Victor von Doom |
Maybe he was bored, or curious. She heard the locks unlatch and the door
opened. Nedra walked in and took a
flight of stairs, noticing how dusty everything was. She frowned.
She hated filth and prepared herself to enter a dirty-ass
apartment. Franklin told her that Victor
had been a shut-in for the past three years by choice when things went south at
the facility. After he set fire to
Franklin’s data servers. Victor should
have gone to jail, but Franklin spared him.
The door at the top of the stairs opened and she walked into
a dark, sparse room. Darkness didn’t
bother Nedra; it was comforting. She did
her best work at night, in low light.
Victor sat at the other end of the room, in front of a table that had at
least five monitors sitting on it. The
room was dusty and there was an open box of Chinese food from Yang’s sitting on
the tabletop. Victor had his feet
propped up on one end. The door behind
her closed and locked and she turned to look at it. She was locked in with this nut, but that was
ok. She might have been in a fucked-up
part of town, but that didn’t mean she was afraid.
“Dr. von Doom—“
“Call me Victor. And
I’ll call you—Nedra, is it?”
“It is.”
“What do you want?”
“I believe I was very clear before.”
“Why did Franklin send you?”
“Family issues. He
sent me because I get things done. I’m
here to convince you to come back.
There’s been a development.
Franklin found a young scientist who is the missing link in your
research. Apparently this kid was
actually able to make the matter shuttle work.”
“Bullshit. Did he
steal my design?”
“You’d know that better than me, Victor.”
“Come closer. I can
barely see you.”
“Maybe if you turned on some lights…?”
Victor sat up and turned to face her. His hair and beard were unkempt and he was
wearing a tiny glass monitor over one eye.
“Playing video games, are we?” Nedra asked as she walked towards him. He looked like twice-baked shit. The Victor she remembered had been a caustic
cutie not afraid to flip off the higher-ups; a trait she secretly admired.
“Maybe.” Victor hit a
key on one of the keyboards and the room illuminated a little. Nedra found herself under scrutiny. She remained still, one hand casually
covering the holster on her right side.
“I have seen you before,” he said. He didn’t know her name, but he had seen her
around Baxter. Truthfully, she was hard not to see.
“Doubtful. I’m good
at staying out of the way of you good people.
But anyway, back to the topic at hand.
I’m here to get you back to Baxter.
Will you come with me?”
“What’s in it for me?”
“Don’t you want to see this kid’s take on your research?”
“Not particularly.”
“Franklin says it works.”
“Doubtful. I spent
ten years working on that project and you’re going to casually stroll in here
and tell me some young upstart was able to do what I couldn’t?” He snorted.
“I just did.” Nedra
shifted slightly, her hand still covering her holster. Victor stared at her.
“Are you carrying a gun?”
“You don’t live in the savory part of town, so yes.”
“I’m going to need you to divest yourself of your weapon.”
“Only if it means you’ll come with me.”
He got out of his chair and came around the table while
tossing the game monocle on the table.
Nedra was about six feet from him and did not move a muscle. She wasn’t afraid of him. But damn, he looked like hell warmed over a
dozen times.
“Are you saying that you won’t leave here without me?”
“I get things done.
Franklin sent me because that’s one of my many gifts.”
“Do tell. What are
some others?”
She sighed. He wanted
to play games. "I'm a card shark and
a pool hustler. I’m good with a knife and even better with a rifle.”
“Your attire suggests that you’re an ex-Marine.”
“Former Marine. And
don’t let this pretty face fool you. I
can fuck you up at least six different ways, so watch yourself.”
He looked amused. “Is
that right?”
Nedra didn’t smile back.
“It would be your good fortune never to find that out, Victor. I’m an ace markswoman, a fierce chemist, and
a bad-ass bitch with a blade.”
Victor looked her over carefully, stiffening. “You say that like it’s supposed to scare me,
but actually my dick’s getting hard.”
Nedra rolled her eyes.
“I doubt that.”
“You come on over and you can find out for yourself.”
When she didn’t take the bait, he said, “So Franklin sent
you and you have to convince me to come with you back to a place I loathe with
the exception of one person.”
“Sue. Yeah. You were totally wrong about her, though.” He’d foolishly shown his hand and she was
going to make him regret it.
That got his attention.
“Explain that.”
Nedra fingered the brim of her cap. “You were into her. She wasn’t into you. You never had a good read on her; you saw
what you wanted. Sue’s like me; she’s
about her business. You saw…wife
material, I guess, with your Simple Simon ass." Nedra rolled her eyes. "She meant more to you than you did to her.”
Nedra was calm as she said this but her words had an
effect. Victor took two steps toward
her—he was taller than she remembered—and she shook her head. “You mean you couldn’t tell? For fuck’s sake, you called her Susan when
she preferred to be called Sue. Like it
didn’t matter what she wanted. Dead ass
wrong about her, Victor. Dead ass wrong.
The look on his face was dangerous, but Nedra wasn’t
scared. She kept her hand on her Glock
and didn’t move a muscle. “You’re too
smart to be dumb around women, Victor. Sue
Storm is a dead end. So if she was your deal breaker, then deal with it so we can move on. Can we get back
to the business at hand? You look like hell. Clean yourself up before you come
anywhere with me.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you. Fuck off.”
“That’d be a nah,” Nedra said, her hand steady. If it came to it, she would shoot him in the leg and drag him to Baxter.
“Remove your weapon and maybe I’ll consider considering it.”
Nedra rolled her eyes again and unsnapped her holster. She removed her gun, extricated the clip and
popped the chamber, catching the bullet with one hand. She slid the clip into her back pocket, the
bullet into a front pocket and carefully put the Glock on the floor. “Start considering because I don’t have all
night. I got other places I need to be.”
Victor’s dark eyes moved over Nedra; not in a slimy way, but
more like he was collecting data. She
wore a motorcycle jacket and a snug black T-shirt that said “Semper Fi ‘Til I
Die” and even more snug jeans held in place with a black belt and a USMC
buckle. Her black boots were
comparatively stylish. She wasn’t a bad
looking woman; in fact, she was far more than that.
“Let’s face it. I
have no interest in returning to that place and I don’t give a fuck that some
little snotnose wunderkind supposedly beat me at my own game. I highly doubt it, in fact. You’re going home empty-handed, Marine.”
Nedra rolled her eyes once more. He had not noticed the other weapon on her
left hip. She wondered about using that
pile of hair on his head as target practice.
“I’m not leaving here without you, Victor. Franklin trusts me and I will not have that
trust misplaced. Don’t you want to get
out of this shithole? Look at this
place! You’ve been out of the game for
the better part of three years.”
“I’m perfectly happy in my shithole. You came to me, and you’re not doing a good
job of convincing me that I should come with you.”
Nedra changed tactics.
“I do my job; I get things done.
Franklin wants you back, so you’re coming back. One way or another.”
“Is that a threat?”
“I don’t make threats.
But I can and will drag your scummy ass out of this building if that’s
what it takes. I told you; don’t let
this pretty face fool you.”
Victor smiled to himself.
He had absolutely nothing to lose and this woman basically just walked
into his house making demands. He
decided to go for broke. He had not left
his house in three years, and it was interesting engaging in banter with a real
live person and not some internet troll.
Especially when it was a woman like Nedra. Those jeans left little to the imagination. She was the best looking woman he’d seen in
years and he was hard up.
“You’re locked in here with me, so you’re not dragging my
scummy ass anywhere…though it would be delightful to see you try. Is that another gun?”
Nedra rolled her eyes again and waved her hand as if what he
said was inconsequential. “Locked doors
aren’t a problem for me, Victor. Come
on, let’s make this easy for both of us.
You don’t have to stay, but you do have to go.”
“Answer the question, Marine. Is that another gun?”
“Nedra is my name. Or
Dr. Nix if you prefer. And no, it is not
a gun.” She casually pulled her Bowie knife from its sheath and tossed it into
the air, catching it by the handle.
“It’s a blade. I never go anyplace
like this unstrapped.” Then she stuck it
back in the sheath and gave him a sultry ‘come hither’ look.
Victor didn’t realize until this very second that he had a
serious thing for women who were armed.
A gun, a knife…what other weapon did she have hidden among her person? He wanted to disarm her, in more ways than
“What are you willing to do to make me come with you?”
Nedra looked at him evenly.
“Whatever’s required.”
“For Franklin.”
“For Franklin. Semper
Fi, motherfucker. Do you understand it?”
“Quite well, in fact.
So you’ll do whatever it takes to stay in Franklin’s good graces and get
a pat on the head and a cookie for delivering me unto him.”
“Whatever floats your boat, sweet thing. Can we move it along?” She had a date later on that night and she
was starting to get a little pressed with Victor. He could sense it and decided to up the ante.
“So a fuck isn’t out of the question, then?”
Nedra looked at him and cocked her head to the side as if
she didn’t understand. “What did you
“Oh I think you heard me, Marine,” he replied.
“Did you just ask me to fuck?”
“You said you’d do whatever’s required to get me out of my
shithole. I’ve been in here—quite
willingly—for three years. Porn gets old
quick. I’m bored with virtual
women. I could go for some fresh pussy
right now. You said that you could fuck
me up six different ways, so why don’t you just fuck me six different ways? You give me some of that,” he pointed his
chin in her direction, “and I’ll follow your fine ass anywhere. Including the Baxter.”
Nedra had heard far cruder propositions, but this one caught
her from the left. “You want to fuck
me? You’re serious? ”
“Aren’t you? About
your job; getting things done…being loyal to Franklin? And hell yes, I want to fuck you. I’m not blind.”
Nedra looked to the left, then to the right. She’d call his bluff. There was no way he was serious. This was just a game. Like pool, her favorite. He was bluffing but she was far better at
it. “Not that you can handle this particular
flavor of pussy, Victor, but sure…whatever.
One condition.”
“What?” That she was
even considering it was surprising. For
him it was a shot in the dark, but it apparently hit its target.
“You look like shit.
You probably smell like it. I’m
not fucking you until you take a shower.”
He clapped right back, faster than she expected. “Take one with me. So that I’m clean enough for your estimable standards.”
“Your bathroom isn’t clean enough for me to get in, if the
rest of your apartment is any indication.”
“You won’t know unless you look.” Victor waved his hand in the direction of a
door off to one side. “Lead. I’ll follow.”
Nedra kept her hand over her knife as she walked past
Victor, giving him a wide berth. He
followed her and shamelessly ate up the sight of her. He was already hard. It had been a long time since he’d used
anything other than his hand to get off.
Then suddenly, a hot woman showed up at his door and agreed to have sex
with him. What heterosexual man wouldn’t
be turgid?
Her ass was a monument to greatness and she walked like she
knew what she carried between her thighs was the stuff of legend. If this thing actually happened, Victor
planned to have his hands all over the one and his face all up in the other…at
“What was your rank in the Corps?” he asked, to distract himself from his lust. It didn’t work. Nedra was a stunner. How had a woman as fine as she was remained
hidden in the mostly-male dominated Baxter building? Some man had her on lockdown.
Briefly he wondered if it was Franklin, but immediately discarded
the thought. No way Franklin Storm was
fucking the woman in front of him. No
way in hell could he handle a nuke like Nedra.
No way he was her dude. Not that Victor
gave a damn about those insignificant details.
He didn’t care who Nedra else was fucking, but tonight it was going to be
“Master Sergeant.”
She grabbed the doorknob and hesitated.
“This your bathroom?”
“Bedroom. You may as
well check it out too, since that’s where I’m going to have my way with you. Also my bathroom’s in there.”
She paused and looked up in the air. “I’m not fucking you while you’re dirty OR in
a dirty ass bed. You should have
considered that. I’m not lowering my
standards that much. And you talk a lot
of shit.”
“And you talk too much.
Open the fucking door.”
Nedra opened the door and was surprised to see a sparse,
neat bedroom. The bed, a king, looked
expensive. There was a giant TV on the
wall across from it, a dresser, a table, and a recliner. That was it.
“Bathroom’s in the corner, Marine,” Victor ordered, nudging
her a little bit.
“Stop calling me that, Criminal,” she sassed. “You should be in jail with that stunt you
“Ah, we’ve regressed to name calling. How utterly prosaic. But you can call me anything you like once
you’ve got those legs around my head and that ass in my face.”
Nedra strolled across the bedroom quickly and closed her
eyes as she turned the bathroom door handle.
“You ever been with a black woman before, Victor?”
“You ever been with a white man before, Nedra?”
“Yes, and he had a little dick and couldn’t fuck. I don’t expect the trend to change.” She opened the bathroom door and found it
clean and neater than the bedroom. She
stopped short in the doorway, actually surprised.
“What?” he said, as he tried to think of a clapback to her
last dig.
“How is it that your bedroom and bathroom are clean, but
that room out there looks like it hasn’t seen the business end of a vacuum in a
decade? You look like a millennial
rendition of Grizzly Fucking Adams. Your
hair looks like a dirty-ass mop and your beard is a scuzzy-ass mess but you’ve
got a barber kit next to the sink? What
“The internet doesn’t give a shit how I look.” He carefully took her by the elbow and turned
her sideways so he could slide through.
Victor brushed against her, looking down into her eyes and wondering if
what he saw in hers matched what she saw in his. The brush-against was deliberate; she was
soft yet firm and he wasn’t going to bother hiding his desire. She was so fucking hot.
“Pity,” she said, wondering when she’d call his bluff…or
when he’d call hers. She casually
ignored his obvious erection when he passed by her other than to note that it
didn’t feel little.
Victor turned on the shower.
“How do you like your water?”
“Just shy of boiling.
“Tepid. I’ll find a
happy medium so that we’re both satisfied. What do you say, Marine?
“My name is Nedra, if you don’t mind.”
Victor ran his hand back and forth under the water. He had one of those rainfall fixtures,
something Nedra desperately wanted in her own bathroom and she couldn’t help
but bite her lip and swallow as the water fell.
As she was lusting after the showerhead, Victor leaned against his sink
and raised one eyebrow.
She looked at him.
He waved his hand in her direction. “Take off your clothes. Ladies first.” He was itching to see what she looked like
Nedra cocked her head to the side and looked at Victor like
he had kicked her dog. “I don’t know you
like that, boy! You get naked first!”
“What’s that slogan you Marines use? First to Fight? So be it.
You said whatever’s required and I require that you strip for me.”
Nedra realized at that moment that the opportunities for
either of them to call one another’s bluff were shrinking and that she might
very well end up fucking this dude. This
was seriously going to interfere with her real date…someone she knew could
actually satisfy her sexually.
‘Fuck,’ she
thought. Then she eyed Victor
carefully. “Same time, then. Same time.
I don’t know you, so same time.”
“Fair enough,” he said, and began removing his clothes. Nedra did as well, taking care to fold her
items and lay them on the toilet seat as she removed them. Victor had no such habits; he merely tossed
everything out into the bedroom as it came off.
He was slender. Nedra sighed
dramatically; he wasn’t going to be strong enough if that was the case.
She had to perch each foot on the side of the toilet to
remove her leather boots and socks. Then
she shimmied out of her Levi’s, revealing plum-colored lingerie. The last item she removed was the elastic
that held her bun in place. Her curly
hair sprung loose and wild. She looked
at herself in the mirror, thinking that her hair wouldn’t be in too bad of a
condition once the five minutes were up, because this quickie wouldn’t take
longer than that. She fluffed it out,
oblivious to her captured audience.
Victor couldn’t stop staring at her. The lingerie—real live lingerie on a real
live woman—was a bonus. It was lacy and
sheer and did nothing to hide her areolae or the thatch of neatly shaved hair
between her thighs. She had a scar on
her belly, one on one hip, and another on one arm. He wondered if they were battle scars. They did not detract from her beauty one
iota. His dick was harder than diamonds,
adamantium, vibranium…
Jesus, her ass, her legs, her face…her entire body. Victor was going to fuck the shit
out of Nedra. What a coup that she’d
landed in his lap on today of all days!
The best thing he’d had planned before her untimely arrival was Call of
Duty, Beethoven, and dumplings from Yang’s.
Nedra couldn’t resist another dig, even a lighthearted
one. She turned to face him and
smiled “See something you like, hermit?”
Victor’s tone was deadly serious. “I see something I want, Marine. And hurry up
before the water gets cold. Unless, of
course, you’re giving me the pleasure of getting you out of those sexy-ass
Nedra rolled her eyes and unsnapped her bra, which blessedly
was a front-snap. She slid it off and
put it on top of her folded clothes.
Then she carefully removed her panties and did the same. Victor reached past her, grabbed them and put
them to his face before inhaling deeply.
Nedra stared at him as her nipples tightened up. This was the moment when they both realized
that neither of them was going to call the other’s bluff. There was no turning back. They were actually going to fuck.
“Been a while, eh?” she queried.
He didn’t respond other than to look at her intently while
sniffing her panties once more. Nedra
turned away from him with a quiet “Alrighty then,” and opened the
shower door. Steam billowed out as she
stepped inside, avoiding the spray so her hair wouldn’t get wet. Victor needed the bath, not her.
He got in behind her and closed the door. The shower was spacious and had a corner
seat. Nedra was sitting down on it, legs
crossed, smiling at the man before her.
“So what?”
“Why are we in here?
Take a bath. Wash up. You want a trip to the Promised Land; the
price of admission is a clean dick. A
clean big dick, preferably.”
“Promised Land, eh?
What does it promise?”
Nedra smiled, thinking about something her past lovers used
to say, and something that her current boyfriend consistently said, “That it’s
the best you’re ever going to have and you’ll get addicted.”
Now it was time for Victor to roll his eyes. “And you say I talk shit.”
“Oh baby, believe me…I can back it up.” Exes still called sometimes, but they were
exes for a reason. “So go on. Wash up.
Lather up real good and wash that skinny ass you got so we can move on
in life.”
“Better idea. Why
don’t you give me a bath? Just to make
sure my dick’s clean enough for the journey to the Promised Land. I don't want you reneging on me.”
Nedra looked at the bars of soap he had available; none to
her liking. Then she shrugged and stood
up. She wasn’t the one who needed a bath
and grabbed the first one and began to lather her hands under the rain
spray. Victor noticed that she was
careful not to get her hair wet and he smiled to himself. In a little while it wouldn’t matter and she
wouldn’t care, either. She pushed Victor
forward so that he was underneath the rainfall.
He stared at her as she placed her lathered her hands on his chest and began
to bathe him. He stood there, watching
carefully as she soaped his torso and arms.
She did his hands separately, applying massage-style techniques to his
palms and fingers. Nedra noted that his
nails were perfectly trimmed, which didn’t jibe with the whole hobo vibe he had
going on in the front room.
Victor’s eyes were closed.
He was so aroused that he was leaking.
Nedra’s hands were instruments of intense pleasure and he didn’t object
when she bypassed his groin to wash his legs and feet. Nedra moved her fingers over his body slowly,
carefully, deliberate in her movements.
He watched the top of her head as she moved down each leg and back up,
barking out an order of her own: “Turn around.”
He did and was treated to a sublime pleasure of having his
legs and thighs massaged in lather and the pressure did not decrease as she
soaped his ass.
“Nice ass,” Nedra said.
It was, at any rate. She moved
closer to wash his back and couldn’t help feeling wicked about the whole
thing. No longer mindful of her hair,
she ran her hands over the muscles of Victor’s back and shoulders before
pressing against him and using her breasts to make slow circles over his skin.
“Fuck,” he choked
out. “What the hell did you just
do? Do it again…”
Nedra upped the ante by putting her hands on his waist and
moving her chest up and down and back and forth. Her nipples grazed him in all directions and she heard his breathing quicken.
“Were those your tits?” He sounded out of breath. “Do that again, baby. Fuck, do that shit again.”
Nedra came around and stared into his eyes as her hands
closed around his erection. She closed
her eyes, gauging the size and thickness.
Victor did as well, knowing that in about ten seconds, he was going to
come in her hand. Nedra stroked him
slowly, pressing her breasts against his chest and moved in such a way that her
nipples scraped him as she caressed his dick.
Victor was so hard for her that the merest touch of her hand would make
him skeet.
Victor’s head tipped back and he moaned. When his head was clear, he was going to fuck
the shit out of this woman. All she’d
done was take the edge off; handle the pesky situation of a quickie without it
being such. When he climaxed, a raw
sound escaped his throat that neither of them could describe.
Nedra let the water rinse the foam off her hands and she
reached behind him and grabbed the shampoo.
Without a word, she squirted a dollop in her hands and met his eyes,
which were wild with need.
“Dip your head,” she said and he quietly obeyed as she
washed his hair. He closed his eyes as
her fingernails gently scraped his scalp in slow, seductive sweeps. Victor put his hands on Nedra’s breasts and
blindly thumbed her nipples, wanting nothing more than for her to continue
scratching his head as he latched on to one and sucked his way into that gentle
goodnight. He could have gone on like
that for hours.
Nedra maneuvered him under the showerhead and water sluiced
over him, rinsing him and washing the soap down the drain. He tilted his head back to get the lather out
of his hair and face, not seeing her drop to her knees. She wanted to give him some head and his penis
was almost perfect. Almost. Her boyfriend had a better one. Her quip about dating a white man with a
little dick was true, but it was a distant memory as she gazed at Victor’s
‘Not the case here,’
she thought. ‘Dear God, I hope he knows what to do with it.’ A grin split her face. ‘But I do.’
She took him in her mouth and closed her eyes. There was
nothing, absolutely nothing like the feel of a hard dick. She liked sucking dick; had been doing so
since she was 15. Her skills were
considerable and it was as obvious as the erection between her lips that the
man it belonged to appreciated said skills.
Victor grabbed handfuls of Nedra’s hair.
He moaned sharply, legs weakening, as he did not yet have it all the way
in him to last longer than a minute.
Nedra bobbed her head and sucked slowly.
“Nedra…damn it, Nedra….”
Nedra smiled around a mouthful of dick. It wasn’t going to take long to wrap this up.
Victor pulled her hair and she winced but didn’t stop until
he came. He slid down the shower wall,
limp and exhausted. He stared at her
through the rain of warm water. She was
grinning at him while licking her lips.
Nedra had a talented, talented mouth and Victor was determined to make
her use it again before she left. Nedra
smiled sweetly as she helped him to his feet and rinsed her mouth. She turned off the shower, satisfied. “I think we’re done here.”
Those words got Victor all the way together.
“Fuck if we are,” he said, turning the water back on. “You said I could have a trip to the Promised
Land and damn it if I don’t plan to go.
After that blowjob, I got my bags packed.” He put his arms around her and lifted her
easily. He took two steps and pushed her
up against the bench.
“Victor, really…” she began, but he grabbed one leg and
perched it on the seat and moved one hand between her thighs and before she
could utter another word, he slipped two fingers inside of her and
simultaneously groaned and closed his eyes.
It had been a long, long time since he’d had his fingers in such a
“Shit,” he
whispered. It was another moment before
he could form a sentence. “I have to know what it feels like…”
It was another moment before she could respond, but it
wasn’t words. Somewhere during their
snarky banter, she’d gotten ridiculously aroused and the fingers he inserted
were nice and slick and coiled around her natural curve, pressing gently into
her G while his thumb made slow circles around her C. Nedra was outside of herself, startled that
he found his way to the Promised Land so fast without her help that she didn’t
hear him talking at first.
“She’s a pretty little pussycat, isn’t she?” he teased as he
continued to finger her. “She’s soft and
warm and ummmm...”
Victor’s eyes were closed as he slid his fingers slowly back
and forth. “So soft, so hot…so wet…Nedra…”
She was staring down at this man, on his knees, fingers
inside her, his attention completely on the task at hand. “Victor…”
He opened his eyes and looked up at her like a man
possessed. His fingers continued to
slide and press gently, driving her slowly insane. “Your clit pokes up between your lips, like
she’s winking at me. Inviting me in. I’m going to enjoy kissing her.”
Nedra hadn’t expected this brash show of confidence and
skill at all and put her hand over her mouth to mute her response. He grabbed her hand and pressed it against
the wall, linking her fingers.
“No, no, no,” he said, wiggling his fingers back and
forth. She was wetter than the water
from the shower and he was suddenly greedy.
“I want it all, including the sounds.
Give me your finest efforts, Marine.
Scream for me, come for me,” he said in a low, seductive voice.
“Stop with that,” she tried to say but it all came out in a
series of moans. And to her chagrin, it
didn’t take him long to figure her out.
She came all over his hand and squeezed her eyes shut as he
chuckled. “Am I not the only one for
whom it’s been a while?”
“You’re a dick,” she was able to say after a few
“And I’m going to use it on you,” he responded softly,
shifting quickly so that she was now sitting on the seat. He grabbed her thighs and put them over his shoulders. “You feel so good. I bet you taste even better.”
“You get down like that?”
Nedra asked, side-eyeing him.
“I want to get down like that with you,” he replied. Victor wanted to shove his face between her
thighs and gobble her like a starving refugee.
His fingers were still wet from earlier and a quick suck on the middle
one was enough to drive him just a tad past mad. Licking her was now of the utmost
importance. Promised Land, indeed.
Nedra wanted to stop him; not because she didn’t want it but
because she didn’t trust him to do it right.
There were some men out there who, for the record, liked giving head but
didn’t know how to do it properly. This
was a topic of conversation whenever she got together with her girlfriends for
a good old-fashioned sex gabfest. Victor
hadn’t been with a woman in at least three years and she didn’t think it was
possible to be able to eat pussy without an actual pussy present. If he had skills, he hadn’t been practicing
them. Either way, she didn’t trust him
to handle her correctly…but that worry soon went the way of the dodo because in
moments, her hands held double handfuls of his hair and she was grinding
against his face, dripping, soaking wet.
“Damn it,” she
moaned. “Victor…”
He paused in his obvious enjoyment and said, “You have the
fattest, glossiest lips I’ve ever seen and I’ve watched a metric ton of
porn. No comparison, Nedra. I’m going to
rub my face all up in your pussy and you’re going to like it. Help me out.
Part those pretty fat lips for me.”
The way he said her name and what he commanded her to do! ‘What the actual fuck?’ flew through her
mind as her fingers obeyed.
He looked up at her and said, “Lock your legs around my
head. I’m going to lick you first then
stick my tongue in your hot little—”
Nedra interrupted. “Where and when in the hell did you learn
how to do this? You’ve been a fucking
shut-in…how have you been able to keep up these skills?” He hadn’t left the house in years, but for
all she knew he could have paid escorts to come service him.
“I’m a shut-in, not a corpse. And what makes you think that my sex game was
ever off? Now do as I say or I’ll spank
that pretty round ass. I bet
you’d like that.”
Nedra grabbed his hair again, veed her fingers and crossed
her legs around his head, wondering if he would anyway. This was turning out to be a delightful
assignment, but Franklin could never know that she’d used her most lethal weapon
on the volatile Victor—who had actually just licked the entire length of her
vagina up and then down, using the back of his tongue for maximum effect before
deliberately shoving his tongue in, just like he’d said he do. She was a wet, juicy, liquidy mess.
He was tongue-fucking her and she couldn’t help it. “Dear sweet black baby Jesus, Father Almighty,
Ra, and the great Cthulhu…do that again!”
Victor’s cheeks and lips glistened with his efforts and he
smiled. “You like that shit, don’t you,
Marine? I bet your boyfriend doesn’t eat you out like this.” He couldn’t help teasing her. He couldn’t stop licking her.
“You don’t follow orders well, do you, hermit? I said do it
again! Cause clearly, you like it too!”
“I do like it,” he said.
“Then finish it!!!”
He casually obeyed and this time quit fucking around with
the banter. Nedra’s head lolled to one
side and she squeezed her thighs, crushing Victor’s head. It clearly excited him and a muffled, “Fuck yes!” escaped him.
No, Franklin could not know that she had fucked the recruit and
then all rational thought left her when he gently sucked on her clitoris and
she climaxed. She tugged his hair hard
enough to make him say, “OW!” and her legs limply slid off his shoulders. He pulled her to her feet and made a
deliberate show of sucking his fingers and licking his lips. “You taste like cherries. I fucking love, love, love cherries…”
“Is that right,” Nedra said.
“Good to know. My boyfriend
thinks I taste like honeyed peaches.”
“Then he’s a weak-ass fuckboy who doesn’t know his
fruit.” Victor turned off the shower and
got out, handing Nedra a towel. He
typically air-dried.
It hadn’t been his immediate intention to come at her the
way he had once they got in the shower, but he hadn’t been able to take his
eyes off her the moment she came out of those pretty panties. Once he’d gotten a whiff of them, it became
the most important thing in the universe to know (1) what she felt like and (2)
what she tasted like. He became a man
possessed and she did not disappoint.
Cherries…sweet, sweet cherries that were so ripe that they burst in the
mouth the moment they touched the tongue.
He didn’t think he would last ten seconds once he slipped inside of her
and she was going to make sure he was good and embarrassed by it.
Victor wasn’t going to allow her to leave without eating her
out again. He wasn’t going to allow her
to leave until he had her in every way he wanted to have her. He wasn’t going to let her leave until she
had enjoyed him in every way that was pleasurable to her. He wasn’t going to allow her to leave until they
were both completely sated. That much he
did know. Nedra had willingly come to
him, refused to leave, and agreed to have sex with him and he was going to take
full advantage of that fact. He bet it
was something she’d never tell her beloved Franklin about. Or her wack-ass boyfriend.
Nedra made an attempt to towel-dry her hair and gave up
after a minute. She dried her body and
looked over at Victor, smiling. “That
was nice. But seriously, we’re done
Victor stared at her as if he’d been hit with a cattle prod. “Fuck if we are,” he said. “You said you were willing to do whatever’s
required to get me back to a place I don’t want to go to, correct, Marine?”
She sighed.
“Yes. And use my name, please.”
“Then you have not accomplished your task, Nedra.
I still have no interest in going to the Baxter building, so we’re not
done here. Not even close. Where I want
to go is to the Promised Land. And if I
recall correctly, you said six. That was
one, and you still owe me five. Five trips.
I hope your sexy ass is up for the journey.”
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