3: Jonathan
Jon was back and she was happy. Nedra met him at the airport and they
practically made out in Baggage Claim, oblivious to envious onlookers. Jonathan Holland was six-three,
broad-shouldered and 240 pounds of good old-fashioned Marine muscle. He wore his dark hair short and he was so beautiful
that men and women did double takes when they saw him. Nedra loved it and loved him.
“Roxy,” he said, picking her up and kissing her, one large
hand on her ass. “I’m so glad to see you,
baby. Been too long.”
Nedra nuzzled his nose, giggling as he spun her around. Then he put her down and kissed her in
earnest. She kissed him back, popping
her ass out so he could grip it. She
pulled away reluctantly. “You have no
idea how much I’ve missed you, baby,” she said.
“But we may cause a scene that’ll have TSA on our asses if we don’t grab
your bags and split.”
Jon pulled her in for another real kiss. “Then let’s grab and go.”
![]() |
Jonathan Holland, for your pleasure. |
She let Jon drive the Bima and sat in the passenger seat, grinning
at him. “Rides nice, doesn’t it? Good choice, baby.”
“Thank you. I wanted
to do something for you. I know I’ve
been gone far longer than expected but—”
“Baby,” she said, rubbing his arm, “don’t you dare explain
yourself to me. I’ve been just as busy.”
“I’ve missed you, Roxy.
The job’s been damn near 24/7, but there have been moments where all I
wanted—needed—was you by my side. Shit
else don’t mean shit.”
“I know exactly what you mean, Jon. It’s okay; we’re okay. I love my new whip. I love it,” she said. “I’ve caught flak for it, but you know that’s
par for the course.”
“Roxy, I know you’re unfazed by those jerks at your job, but
I can’t stand that shady bullshit. They
really don’t believe you’re capable of greatness or deserving of accolades.”
She rubbed his arm. “I
know. So we won’t discuss that anymore.”
A few minutes passed and Jon looked at her, his dark eyes
taking her in. “You know, you’re the
best looking woman I’ve seen in weeks.
You got somebody, or are you just letting me ride this one time?”
Nedra grinned. “I got
“Really? What’s he
“Oh, you’d like him. He’s
tall, dark and handsome, strong, smart and secure. Got an ass so tight you could bounce a
quarter off one of his cheeks and his abs…a woman could scrub clothes against
them. He’s a goofy nerd and loves his
mother. Beyond that, he’s loyal, loveable,
and I’m glad he’s my guy.”
“So there’s no way a mangy-ass mutt like me could sneak in?”
“That’d be a nah,” she said, giggling.
Jon grinned. They
played that game all the time, sometimes as a way to break tension. He focused on the road, shifting gears. “I know I don’t need to ask,” he said,
rubbing one of her denim-clad thighs, “but did you get your funding?”
Nedra smiled. She’d
gotten the confirmation calls that morning from both parties. “Sixty-two million for the next five years,”
she said. “I can make it last longer
than five, but they don’t need to know that.”
“Sixty-two million dollars?”
“You didn’t tell me you were hustling for that much!”
“Well I wasn’t sure how much I’d get, but I want five brand
new scanning electron microscopes, a Fourier transform mass spectrometer, seven
micro-spectrometers, 20 new computers, five SGI modeling stations, and a bunch
of other equipment that I need to complete my work that you don’t care
about. What I just ran off is at minimum
ten million dollars worth of equipment. I
could use more space and my staff deserves a raise.”
“You lost me at Fourier transformations,” he said. Jon knew his girlfriend was scarily brilliant
and it wasn’t a level where he could always meet her, but he was extremely
proud and not afraid to let her shine.
In fact, he encouraged it. “Either
way, I’m proud of you, Roxy. When you
set a goal, you meet it. And this is on
top on what you can get from Franklin?”
She beamed. “With
Franklin it’s funding and more…like, he knows Physical Chemistry needs more
space, so he’s hustling the higher-ups to allow us to expand into the unused
room across the way. The girls will love
it and Ariadne can have better wheelchair access. I actually want to build a workspace that is
all hers so she doesn’t have to try and fit her chair in those tight corners.”
“Always thinking of your staff. What about you? Are you going to give yourself a raise?”
“I don’t need a raise, baby.
I just got this sweet-ass ride.
I’m good, honey. If there’s money
left in the budget, I’ll treat myself to a little something.” For her, that would be a couple of pairs of
shoes or a fly outfit.
Jon said, “You should. You
deserve it.” Nedra rarely
ever splurged and she would have drove that 'Stang until the wheels feel off in spite of the fact he constantly had to work on it whenever he came home. Nedra's failure to pay herself first was one of the reasons Jon bought her a new car. She had money in the bank
from her investments, but she rarely spent any of it on herself. Instead, she made sure Jon's home was always clean and comfortable. So he spent his money on her.
“I’ve been busting my ass so that I could have a couple of
weeks off with you,” she said. “When’s
your next assignment?”
“Kosovo. A month or
so from now.” Jon was a military
contractor and he had security clearance and couldn’t talk about the details of
his work to Nedra. He was gone six or
seven months out of a year, usually.
“I put in for two weeks, but I can squeeze three if need
be.” Franklin would give her anything
she wanted. After her sixty-two million
dollar coup, he’d be more than happy to.
Nedra’s achievements made the Baxter look good and the higher-ups were walking around with water balloon chests at the moment.
“We’ll make it count,” he said. “Do you want to go to Shanghai?”
“Why not? We’ve never
been. We could do Tokyo, Seoul or Hong
Kong if you prefer.” Every year,
whenever possible, they took an extravagant vacation on Jon’s dime. He made plenty of money.
“I thought you wanted a weekend somewhere and I was assuming
there would be a beach involved.”
“We can hit Hainan, Bali or Koh Samui on the way back if you
want. You remember Phuket.”
Nedra smiled, caressing his fingers. They had a blast in Phuket. “Bet your ass. You really want to go to Shanghai?”
“Yeah,” he said, holding her hand. “It’s a city I’ve heard a lot about. And then we can do a beach stop in Hainan;
maybe even do 48 hours in Hong Kong and Macau.
I want time away from this
world with my lady. You can pick the
next location.”
Nedra covered his hand with hers. “When do we leave?”
Jon smiled at her.
“I’m glad you agree…because I booked Shanghai and Hainan a couple of
weeks ago. Three days.”
She shrugged. It was
their way. Jon was the trip planner. She just had to make the plane. “Which beach we hitting, then?”
Jon squeezed her thigh.
“Hainan Province has several beaches.
It’ll be easy for us to get there from Shanghai. I want to explore Luobi Cave and the Yanoda
Nedra grinned. “Guess
I need to go shopping tomorrow; grab some new swimsuits.”
“You can skinny-dip for all I care,” he teased. “I miss seeing you naked. I got us a suite with a private beach.”
She fingered her hair.
“I’d better get this braided up. I’m
not about to fuck with this mess for three weeks while we’re traveling. Three days, you say?”
“Yep. Just enough
time for me to get some rest. I’ve been
busting my ass for the past week
trying to finish up just so I could come home to you as soon as possible. You’ll stay with me tonight or do you want me
to go to your apartment?”
“I’ll go home with you tonight, baby. I have to make sure you have food to eat for
the next couple of days. But you’ll get
as much rest as you need because I’m texting Keva now to get my hair braided
“Get those long ones I like,” he said. “They look fantastic when you’re dancing. And you know I like yanking them when we
“Bet your ass,” she said again as her fingers flew over the
iPhone screen.
Jon was tired, but not too tired to see about his Roxy. They took a shower together that ran long and
he carried her out of the bathroom to their bed, preferring to air dry. He fell asleep shortly after they finished
making love and Nedra lay with her head on his chest, running a finger around
his brick-like abdominals, thankful he was home safe yet again. His breathing was even, his heartbeat
steady. She wasn’t sleepy yet, but it
wouldn’t take long for her to follow him into dreamland. Nedra always slept better when he was by her
side. They’d been through so much.
“I’ve missed you so much,” she whispered, kissing one of his
nipples. The reality of her big,
beautiful man pushed everything else out of sight and out of mind. She had planned to go to work tomorrow to
wrap up odds and ends, but would delegate the task to Keria. It would take half the day to get her hair
braided, and then she would go shopping for some new clothes and start packing. She was going to Shanghai, China…a city that
was almost 8000 miles away from the Baxter Building and Victor von Doom.
She hadn’t seen or heard from him since early last week,
when he showed up at her office late at night and asked for her kiss. Or rather, kisses. His definition of the
word ‘kiss’ had broadened over the course of a few weeks. There was something different about him in
addition to his appearance. It was something
she couldn’t quite name, but definitely responded to. Physically, he was far more attractive now
that he’d cleaned himself up and definitely had swag. He wore a sweater and a nice pair of slacks, he
had that beard snatched within an inch of its life, and his hair was about two
or three inches long and it looked like it refused to behave no matter what he
did to tame it. It was soft and sleek,
and she liked having her hands in it.
Victor gained a few pounds and he looked fantastic. That mouth of his was even better than she
remembered. Infinitely so and she
refused to think about anything beyond that.
Which mean it made no sense for him to be single. Victor was out of the hole, back in the
world, doing his research, interacting with real live people, and he was far
too sexy not to have gotten snagged. Even though Keria was bisexual and tended
mostly towards women, she found him very good-looking and even though she had
reservations, Nedra knew Keria would have given Victor some, push come to
shove. And she was just one woman. There were too many women in that place who
thought Victor had been cute before that should have nailed his ass to the
floor by now.
Then Nedra wondered why she cared so much about who he was
or was not fucking. She had her man here,
live and warm in bed.
Still, Victor should be fucking somebody. It would take his
attention off her, and she really needed that to happen. Now that he knew her weakness, he would
exploit it. She briefly recalled how
easy it was for him to manipulate her…and how she allowed it. Nedra was never going to let him have the
upper hand again.
But really, she didn’t have any worries. About nine days had passed since that night
in her office. Victor had her number,
but Nedra was glad that she hadn’t gotten even so much as a text from the
man. In his presence, she could not
behave like she wanted to; like a woman who didn’t want to be bothered with her
ex. Except Victor wasn’t an ex. He was…he was…what he wasn’t was an ex and it frustrated her.
Nedra regretted agreeing to have sex with him that night
Franklin sent her to him. She should
have told him to fuck off and gone back to Baxter and let Franklin know that
she failed; that Victor was a disagreeable asshole and they were better off. But her pride; her need to be in full command
of everything; the resident queen of completing all jobs handed to her and
problems solved, her 100% success rate; her desire never to fail was her
downfall in this instance.
Nedra flinched, hard enough that Jon’s arm tightened around
her. She didn’t want to wake him and she
didn’t want to leave the comfort of his warmth and their bed. She lifted her leg over his and his free hand
began to slide comfortably up and down her thigh. She wasn’t going to entertain any more
thoughts of Victor. Nedra was a woman of
discipline. She was going to put all of
her attention into Jonathan Holland until he boarded the plane to Kosovo a
month or so from now…and then back into her research.
In time, she was asleep; her breathing matching that of his.
Jon got them an opulent suite at the Waldorf-Astoria on the
Bund and they spent the first two days getting over jet lag. Then they spent their time touring the city,
seeing everything Shanghai had to offer, including bad pollution days. They ate street food, ate at nice restaurants
and Nedra found herself at the South Bund Fabric Market, having clothes
made. The tailors were efficient, gifted
and cheap…and could make anything. They
took the hi-speed train to Beijing and hiked the Great Wall; saw the Summer
Palace and Tiananmen Square. They took a
side trip to Shaanxi Province to see the Terracotta Warriors and then returned
to Shanghai.
One night, Nedra found a club for them to go to near French
Concession. It was a primo spot for
expats; on certain nights the DJ had throwback celebrations for all the old
heads. The drink menu slayed, and the reviews were mostly positive. Jon was always down for a good club hop. They both liked to dance, and Nedra was
feeling perfectly sleazy that evening.
She wore a short, tight two-piece purple dress that left nothing to the
imagination, purple seamed stockings with a matching garter belt, and black
velvet stilettos. Jon loved it when she
dressed that way; it wasn’t something she did often and he loved watching all
the attention she got from others.
When she got dressed, he was sitting on the bed putting on
his shoes. She came out of the bathroom
and posed. “Baby?”
“Oh we’re doing it like that
tonight, Roxy?”
“Bet your ass,” she said.
“Is it too much? Should I wear a
pashmina over it at the restaurant?”
“Yeah, you may want to.
But not at the club,” he said. “I want you in all your purple glory.”
Nedra smiled as she adjusted the clip on her garter belt. They would go to the club and tease the hell
out of each other. Then they would go back
to the hotel and fuck. She had a request
for Jon.
The club was a hole in the wall, smoky, but packed with
bodies on the dance floor. The DJ was
excellent; rolling off a string of classics one could do nothing except dance
to. As was their way, Nedra led Jon to
the middle of the floor and they started dancing. She put her arm around his neck; her
stilettos made her six feet tall and it so easy to lock eyes with him and make
the immediate world their own. He put
his hands on her ass and they moved as one to a funky-ass beat.
“The men in this place can’t stop staring at you, Roxy,” he
said. “Good choice, this purple slip of
a dress.”
“You won’t have to work hard getting it off, promise you
that.” she teased.
“Bet your ass,” he said, kissing her. Then he released her and took a step back,
grinning. “Turn around Mama, put that
ass on Big Daddy.”
Nedra gyrated her hips provocatively and smiled at Jon
before turning around slowly and backing up against his groin. She locked her arms around his neck and he
put his hands on her waist.
“Move with me, Big Daddy,” she said. “Talkin’ bout my hips, move your hips.”
He could and did.
People were starting to watch the attractive couple own the dance
floor. Jon had always been a great
dancer and Nedra loved that he wasn’t shy about it. He ran his hands up and down her body and
then whispered something raunchy in her ear.
She whipped her braids to one side.
“Oh Daddy, they won’t be able to handle that…” she teased.
“Do it anyway. I like
seeing men stare at you. I love it when
they want what I got.” he said.
“Okay,” she said.
“When the song calls for it, be ready…”
He was. When the
tempo changed, Nedra bent completely over and twerked against her boyfriend and
like he wanted, every man in the vicinity turned to stare at her helplessly. Jon laughed and slapped her ass.
Nedra put an arch in her back, dipped lower, put her hands
on her knees and made her ass pop and smiled as she heard Jon mutter an
expletive. Then she slowly gyrated her
way back up, locking her arms back around his neck as he slid one hand down her
“That never fails to make me horny as fuck,” he said. “Them too,” he said, pointing his chin into
the crowd. Dudes were straight ogling
Nedra and all she could do was smile and bring Jon’s lips down for a sweet and
sexy kiss. He slid an arm across her
body and they ground against each other.
When Nedra broke the kiss, she brought Jon’s hands up to cover her
breasts. Her nipples were practically
rocks and he knew how to release just enough tension so they didn’t have to
leave the club so soon.
Next thing she knew, the DJ went way back and threw on “Sex
“Oh hell naw,” she said, stepping away from him. “No he didn’t!!”
“The DJ done fucked around and put on Sex Shooter! You know that’s one of my faves!”
“What are you going to do, Roxy?” he asked, anticipating
whatever sexy dance she might come up with.
He was down for whatever.
She grinned and started recreating Apollonia’s moves from Purple Rain. “I need
you to get me off…I’m your bomb, baby, ready to explode…” as she caressed her
Jon watched her, grinning.
“…be your slave, do
anything I’m told…”
Nedra sang the words while feeling herself up and shaking
her hips. Jon danced around her in a
tight circle and she turned with him to keep facing him. All eyes were on them.
“Come on, kiss the
gun,” she said.
“Bet your ass I will,” he said. “Tell Daddy how you want it.”
Nedra held out her hands and he took them, pulling her
in. Nedra whipped her braids to one side
and put her back up against him, still singing.
“I need you to pull my
trigger baby; I can’t do it alone…”
“That’s my girl,” Jon said.
He wondered how long they’d be at the club. He moved his hands up and down Nedra’s hips,
matching her gyration for gyration.
“No girl’s body can
compete with mine…”
“Nope, not a single one,” he said, caressing her.
Nedra grinned as Jon felt her up and down. She rarely got to cut up like this, but took
full advantage whenever she could.
Nobody over here knew them, and even if they did, she didn’t give a
shit. She was grown, her man was grown,
and grown folks did grown things. She
and her boyfriend were a couple of proud flag-flying freaks. She stared into the crowd, and then past the
crowd to the bar, and to her utter amazement, Victor was sitting at the bar,
his eyes on her, a drink in his hands.
Nedra stopped moving, startled.
“What’s wrong, Roxy?” Jon asked. He was good and hard, but he could keep it
together for as long as she wanted. That
was the point. But they were fucking in
the taxi; he knew that much. He could
keep it together but he knew Nedra wouldn’t be able to.
Nedra turned around abruptly. “Nothing, baby. Just want to look at you for a little bit.”
“You just want these horny motherfuckers to look at that
ass, is all.”
“Whatever you say, Big Daddy,” she teased, planting a fat
one on his lips. “They can look.
Just let me hold on to you for a moment.” She knew without a doubt Victor was looking
at her ass.
Jon stared at her, smiling as they moved as one, changing
places as the beat dictated. Nedra
rested her cheek against his, secure in his arms until she opened her eyes and
saw Victor staring at her again. He
hadn’t moved from his seat, and he was sipping on a drink, studying
her—studying them.
What in the eternal hell was he doing here? Here, of all places? A hole-in-the-wall club somewhere on Taikang
Lu near French Concession in Shanghai, China?
What was Victor doing there?
Did he follow her?
He ran a thumb over his lips and licked the pad as he held
Nedra’s gaze. Those brown eyes hinted at
secrets, at mysteries, at enigmas…at things he knew that she did not. He was sipping on a bright green drink in a
martini glass and raised it to her.
“Let’s go,” Nedra said in Jon’s ear.
“You sure, baby? We’ve only been here a half-hour. Another club you want to hit?”
She caressed the back of his head. “My pussy’s wet. I want to go back to the hotel.”
“We may not make it,” he said.
“We don’t have to,” she said. “I’m up for a multi-round bout. Let’s go.”
Jon called for an Uber and a driver was waiting by the time
they finished their drinks. Fortunately,
the car was a big Lexus with tinted windows and more than enough room in the
back seat. John tossed the driver a
thousand yuan tip and told him in Mandarin not to worry about what happened in
the back seat. The driver nodded but
that didn’t stop him from sneaking looks as he drove back to the hotel. Nedra wasted no time mounting Jon once he
closed the door. Nedra’s dress was
easily to manipulate and seconds later, she was riding him as they kissed
passionately. Jon held on to her
ass. They kept their sounds tight and
contained, but any fool with a brain could look in the backseat of the ES 350
and know they were getting it, and getting it good too. The driver took his sweet time getting back
to the hotel.
When they got out of the car, Nedra smiled at him,
straightening her dress before putting the pashmina back on. “I got a suggestion for round two.”
“I’m game,” he agreed, and impulsively scooped her up. Nedra’s heart began to race. Even though she liked to be carried, it was
something she never flat out told Jon it was something she liked. Maybe it had to do with when and how they met,
but she never told him how much it excited her.
Considering that Victor’s far less massive self was able to not only
carry her but also hold her up in the most interesting of positions, Nedra felt
that she needed to share it with Jon. Victor
couldn’t have any advantage over him; not if she could help it.
Jon carried her to the elevator and continued to hold her
while pushing the button. Nedra lay her
head on his shoulder. “I like being in
your arms like this.”
“Is that right, Roxy?” he asked. He had been about to put her down.
“I never told you this before, but I like it…being carried
this way, or tossed over your shoulder, or any kind of way. It’s a…throwback…sensation; maybe my inner
Neanderthal…” She closed her eyes. “It
makes me feel super-girly and super safe.”
He smiled at her.
“Woman, I will carry you anytime you want. Why in the hell are you telling me this now?”
“I don’t know.”
The elevator opened and they got in. Jon pressed their floor and the door was
about to close when he heard, “Hold the elevator!” He pushed the OPEN button and a man hopped on
and pressed his floor.
“Good evening,” Jon said.
“How you doing?” the man replied.
Nedra’s eyes snapped open.
She knew that voice. Victor was
on the elevator with them. Son of a bitch!! But she had to remain cool and pretend
not to know him. So she closed her eyes
again and murmured softly in Jon’s arms.
He held her easy.
Thoughts raced through her mind. This
motherfucker is actually in the elevator with me and my boo! What is he doing here? He DID follow me…not just me! Me and Jon!!
What is he doing, what does he want…what is his goal? Is he trying to break us up? Is he trying to insinuate himself in our
lives? Is he going to tell Jon who he
is? Why is he here? What do I do about this? Damn it, he just won’t leave me alone!
Then she recalled how she
had kissed him.
Fuck a duck. I should have never allowed him into my
lab. I should have never fucked him to
begin with. But how did he know we’d be
If she ever got the chance to ask him, she’d choke it out of
his ass.
What do I do? What do I do?
Do I confront him? Do I tell
Jon? How far is Victor going to go with
this? How do I stop him? How do I make him understand that Jon is the
love of my life; a man I absolutely will not give up…not for anyone? How do I make him see the truth?
Her conscience provided the answer in vivid, living color. He already has a truth in his mind and he is acting on it. He wants me; he feels as though he has a
connection—and therefore a chance—with me.
Because I wasn’t brave enough to tell him to fuck off that night in the
garage. I even kept the goddamn flower
he gave me.
“She all right?” Victor asked.
“Yeah,” Jon said. “We
just came back from the club and her feet hurt.”
“With shoes like that, I see why.”
Jon looked at him. “Yeah,
but just ‘tween us guys, because she’s not listening, I love it when she wears
them. They transform her legs. She doesn’t do this often, but when she does,
it makes me a happy man. This is a
special occasion for us.”
Victor stared at Nedra carefully, thinking about how he’d
held her that same way. Sans heels, of
course. He’d been in such a hurry to get
her in bed that he hadn’t savored what it was like to hold her. Clearly her big oaf of a boyfriend took his
Noted. “Anniversary?”
“Nah. Just some
private time together. We don’t see each
other much.”
Victor looked at him.
“You sure that’s wise? From where
I stand, she’s gorgeous. I mean if my
woman looked like that, I wouldn’t
ever be more than ten feet away from her.
If you don’t mind my saying, she’s fine as hell.” His gaze shifted to Nedra and he had no
qualms about lustily staring her down in Jon’s arms.
Nedra’s performance at that shitty club was memorized; every
gyration, every dip, every sway…every single movement was now a frame to a movie
in his mind. He knew he would beat off
to it at some point, and he wasn’t the only one. Every man in the club had been watching her
dance. There was going to be a lot of
guys choking the chicken tonight.
Jon shrugged. “That
she is, but it doesn’t matter. She’s
loyal. So am I.”
Victor could barely keep the sarcasm out of his tone. “Ah, that’s nice. You have trust. What about other men coming on to her?”
“I expect for her to get hit on. I expect for men to try it with her. I expect men to fall down at her feet and
declare their undying love. I expect for
men to be men because my Roxy’s an exceptional woman. But it’s her
I trust.”
This time Victor didn’t even try to hide the snark. “Is that right?” he said, raising a caustic
eyebrow, thinking about the sheer number of times he and Nedra had fucked in
his apartment. He trusted her, but
clearly that trust was misplaced. It was
a question that had to be asked of Nedra and then clarified at a later
date. This needed further study.
Nedra had had enough of the chatter. “Baby, is our floor coming up? Elevator’s moving slow.”
“Yeah. You want off
or to stay up?”
She smiled at him.
“I’ll get off. For now.”
Jon put her down and she smoothed her dress and looked up to
see Victor staring at her. “Hello,” she
said, her face betraying nothing.
“Good evening,” he replied, making no pretense about the
desire in his eyes as he looked at her.
Jon watched him gaze at Nedra and smirked. The guy was a dick to be sure, but he
couldn’t blame him for looking at her.
“This is our floor,” she said, straightening her dress. “Good night,” she said to Victor before
grabbing Jon’s hand. “Come on,
baby…round two’s ready!” The doors
opened and she led him out of the elevator.
Jon took that moment to pick her up again and sling her over his
shoulder and her laughter rang out, echoing down the all. Once again, they were in their own world, and
so didn’t see Victor get out on the same floor a moment later. He waited for them to enter and then went to
his own suite…which was two doors down from theirs. Soon, he was relaxed, poured himself a drink
and decided to sit on the balcony and listen to the lively noise coming up from
the Bund and contemplate his next move.
Shanghai was a lovely, lively city with the exception of the pollution.
Nedra and her wack-ass boyfriend were exhibitionists. Maybe he wasn’t so wack. Victor sat in the dark, thinking about the
ramifications of this key piece of information.
He scrolled his phone; one of his contacts sent word that two of the
tasks he wanted were complete and payment was expected. Victor completed the transaction and sat
back, deep in thought as he sipped on his drink.
To his surprise, he heard her voice. He checked to make sure he was under cover of
darkness and looked toward the direction of their room. Nedra had backed out and she wore those two
pieces of cloth that served as her attire, her stockings and those heels. Her nipples were hard and it was obvious she
didn’t have on any panties. Her
boyfriend followed her out, shirtless and shoeless.
They had Victor’s instant attention and he was also at
attention. They were talking. Nedra made motions with her hands and then
backed up against the railing.
Victor caught a bit of Jon’s dialogue, “…so a V-shape, you
She nodded eagerly.
“…only support is my arms and legs…”
“…scared?” she teased.
“… to motherfucking fight,” he said and removed his slacks
and boxers. Nedra lifted her top,
gripped the railing, and spread her legs.
“…can take it, baby,” she said, beckoning to him.
Victor rolled his eyes.
She could take it. Because of him.
Jon lifted his girlfriend’s legs, carefully placing them
over his shoulder as she balanced on the rail.
He penetrated her, then put his big, strong arms around her and lifted
her up.
“Jesus,” he said.
“It’s so…tight…”
“Yes…yes it is….” Nedra said dreamily, locking her arms
around his neck and they began to fuck.
Victor watched the whole thing and masturbated while continuing to sip
his drink. She looked fucking amazing
and sounded a lot like she had the night they did it. Her breasts bounced beautifully and he wanted
to suck her nipples so bad. The scrap of
cloth around her hips was now around her waist.
They were right there on the balcony, not giving a single
damn if they were seen. Victor was
amused by it. He was also crazy aroused
at the way her legs looked in those stockings and shoes. All these wonderful little sexy tidbits and alluring details he was learning during his reconnaissance. Nothing like the no-nonsense Marine that came
calling over two months ago with a gun on one and a knife on the other.
“Oh Nedra,” he moaned, closing his eyes as the speed of his
hand matched their rhythm. She had
shared something that was between them with another man, and it wasn’t
something Victor cared for. He spit on
his hand and continued jerking. “Oh baby,
come on now…so disappointed in you…”
When it was clear that they were finished, Jon put Nedra
down and kissed her lips. “…need to lie
down, Roxy…”
“Go ahead,” she said, following him inside. She knew how he felt.
Victor went into his suite to clean himself up and then
returned to the balcony with the decanter.
He sat back down, picked up his phone and called her.
A/N: Lyrics to “Sex Shooter” belong to the one and only
Prince Rogers Nelson, may he rest in perfect purple peace.
“Feels So Good”
“Whatta Man” Salt-N-Pepa/En Vogue
“Ain’t No Other Man” –Christina Aguilera
“All the Man that I Need” –Whitney Houston
“Freak Like Me” –Adina Howard
“Sex Shooter”-Apollonia 6
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